Sunday, October 5, 2014

Toothless Tate.............

 This silly guy has been losing his teeth. The places he loses his teeth at, and the story behind each tooth is hilarious and worth sharing.  This is the first tooth he lost at the pool. He lost it while swimming and he dove to the bottom of the pool to retrieve it. He then pulled funny faces to show off his new grin.

 Here is his cute smile now. He lost the second tooth this past week at school while eating pizza in the cafeteria. I hope it did not hit another child in the forehead or somewhere else. Tate told us the tooth went flying when he took the pizza out of his mouth after having a big bite of pizza. He claims he searched the cafeteria with a few friends and he was unsuccessful in finding the tooth. He wrote this sweet letter to the tooth fairy. Mike is keeping it in his book of treasures. And yes, the tooth fairy found him.
It says "Tutt fery sory but I lost my tuth can I still have som muny love Tate. " It is a treasure!

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