Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Bargaining Biker.........

Dylan has discovered a new form of freedom. He is now riding a bike and he clarifies, "without training wheels."
Our family and friends may note that this bike is not Dylan's Diego bike. He is already learning the bargain theory. He is borrowing his friend Landon's bike because he can balance the bike better. Landon now has Dylan's Diego bike and sometime this summer, I am sure these boys will end the bargain and will each be riding their own bike.
In the meantime, Dylan is off and he enjoys speeding ahead and then mom and dad running after him. I guess this is the parents bargain when they teach their child how to ride a bike.


Anonymous said...

That's too funny! And how great he has a friend he can bargain with. Maybe in about 12 years, he'll be bargaining girlfriends with Landon! ;)

The Green Family said...

That is really a scary thought! They do grow up that fast though.

Jen said...

Oh Hiroko!! I don't even want to think about that yet!! Let's just stick with the bikes for now :)

I told you he'd learn in a day on that bike!! So many kids have learned to ride without training wheels on the "itty bitty bike". It was one of the biggest "scores" of all time!!