Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Why is the Chicken Nugget the favored food?......

I think this food belongs in the major food group in our household. The boys love any type of chicken nuggets. Thank heavens for "Dino nuggets," or I would never get Tate full. I asked Dylan for St. Patty's Day if he wanted me to cook green eggs and ham or cook an Irish meal. "Cook up an Irish meal mom," was his response. I cooked all afternoon making corn beef and cabbage. I also cooked sauerkraut and scalloped potatoes. We sat down to eat the Irish meal and you guessed it...Tate would not eat anything. What did he end up eating? Yes,the cherished chicken nugget. When Dylan saw that Tate had manipulated the system, he also requested the nuggets. Why should we even cook when you can heat up nuggets in 1 minute?

1 comment:

Chelseys Blog said...

Yeah! You got it fixed. Chicken Nuggets is Adelyns favorite food too! She loves Wendys nuggets. We sure do miss you guys. You comin' down for Easter maybe?