Monday, December 6, 2010

My baby is now a big boy.........

The big news is that Tate is now a big boy. He has the boys briefs to show his great accomplishment and he was so easy to train. We started the Monday before Thanksgiving and he was trained within a couple of days. I am glad we waited and avoided the power struggle that we had with Dylan. We are officially out of the diaper stage!!! Mike and I were discussing how great it is to have no diapers to change. It has been nice to have boys, in the fact that when we are out in public they want to go to the boys restroom and Mike gets to take them. Tate also did not need alot of bribery to train and that was nice. Now when he needs to go to the restroom he announces, "potty training."

1 comment:

Chelseys Blog said...

Yea Tate!!! I am glad it was not a nightmare. I always hear how hard boys are to train, so I am thankful to hear that not all boys are. I love the Pics! Love and miss you all! See ya in a week or so.