Friday, December 17, 2010

DYLAN is the VIP....

Today was a big day in Kindergarten for Dylan. He was the VIP! Mom, Dad, Tate, Grandpa and Grandma Green were able to go to his class and share how special Dylan is. He has an amazing teacher, Mrs. Lauritzen, and he enjoys school. His classmates asked him special questions and then we were able to tell the class why Dylan is so special in our family. I loved some of the questions the classmates asked and Dylan's responses. Here are a few:
Max: "what is your favorite food?"
Dylan:"strawberry and chocolate ice cream."
Kate:"what is your favorite toy?"
Dylan: "Batman."
Kale: "What is your favorite game."
Dylan: "Star Wars on the Wii."

Dylan showing off his "picture board." He helped me choose the pictures and we wrote a few things that are special about Dylan on the stars.

Our Christmas cards are not mailed yet, gifts are not wrapped, and we still have gifts to prepare. The "picture board" has been our big priority and the timing was not the best, however, I think it turned out great and this will be a treasure! WE LOVE YOU DYLAN...

1 comment:

Debbie said...

VERY cute board. That is a keeper!