Friday, August 20, 2010

A little catching up time....

It has been really busy this summer and my blog has been ignored for a bit. Here is a little up-date and a few blurps about our comings and goings. July 4th festivities were a lot of fun. The boys loved the parade and then we had our annual neighborhood barbecue which is always fun. The Jepson's scones tasted great while watching the fireworks. We did meet up with our friends at the pool in the afternoon, so the boys were pretty tired the next day.

We are up way past our bedtime and are all smiles.
Tate had very little patience while waiting for the fire trucks.
Dylan had a comfortable chair during the parade.

Our Uncle Chase also married our new Aunt Keisha. We love Keisha and we are so happy that she joined our family. She is darling and they make a gorgeous couple. The boys have been fortunate to see two family weddings and both Uncles were sealed in the Temple. What great examples for our kids! Congratulations Chase and Keisha!! We are so happy for you and wish you many happy years.

My cute little nieces, Addie and Raegan.

Dylan and Payton are always inseparable.

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