Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First day of Kindergarten.....

The big day arrived and our little Dylan is now in Kindergarten. Mrs. Laurtizen, his teacher, had given him a "brave bracelet," to wear for the first big day. She told us the "brave bracelet would remind us to be brave and happy when we came to school because sometimes mommy's and daddy's cry happy tears." Dylan had his brave bracelet on as soon as he woke up. I think the mommy's need brave bracelets too. He looks so big and handsome.
We are so lucky that our school is within a short walking distance. I am glad he is close to home.
When I told Dylan to get his backpack, Tate went and put on his "ackpack" too. He was a little disappointed when he had to come home and take a nap. I am not used to it being so quiet. I could get used to this for a couple of years.
Dylan and his neighborhood classmates. I hope he develops strong friendships and these boys are also in our ward and come from great families.

l This was a sad moment that I will not forget. Dylan was walking in with his class and he held out his little hand and said, " I love you mom. See you later." The hand wave is something we do that we learned when we read the "Kissing Hand." I just took a picture and cried behind the camera.

I was dying to pick him up and this was how happy he was. He could not stop talking about his day and he was so excited. He told me, "mom I know that I'm going to really like my class and Mrs. Lauritzen." I am so happy for him.

Daddy and Dylan at the "Knight's Feast." We had pineapple glazed salmon, sweet potatoes, brown rice, orange sunrise drink, and brownies with Haagen Dazs strawberrry ice cream. We talked about the first day of school and what are goals are for the school year. It was so much fun and I hope it will become a memorable tradition for the boys. I had heard the idea few years ago and wanted to make it a tradition. The boys helped me make the crowns and we all
wore them during dinner. Mike also offered to give Dylan a blessing, but he told us, " I think I will wait until I am eight." I want to blog about Dylan turning 6, but I am going to wait a bit to
catch my breath.
Dylan and Mommy at the "King's Feast."

Friday, August 20, 2010

A little catching up time....

It has been really busy this summer and my blog has been ignored for a bit. Here is a little up-date and a few blurps about our comings and goings. July 4th festivities were a lot of fun. The boys loved the parade and then we had our annual neighborhood barbecue which is always fun. The Jepson's scones tasted great while watching the fireworks. We did meet up with our friends at the pool in the afternoon, so the boys were pretty tired the next day.

We are up way past our bedtime and are all smiles.
Tate had very little patience while waiting for the fire trucks.
Dylan had a comfortable chair during the parade.

Our Uncle Chase also married our new Aunt Keisha. We love Keisha and we are so happy that she joined our family. She is darling and they make a gorgeous couple. The boys have been fortunate to see two family weddings and both Uncles were sealed in the Temple. What great examples for our kids! Congratulations Chase and Keisha!! We are so happy for you and wish you many happy years.

My cute little nieces, Addie and Raegan.

Dylan and Payton are always inseparable.

A hike in Albion Basin......

A few weeks ago we went to Albion Basin and hiked to Secret Lake. It was a ton of fun and beautiful up there. I love to see God's Creations and I can't believe that we had not been on this hike before. It is perfect for kids. The boys never complained and they did not want to leave. It started raining lightly and then the sun was out by the time we reached the lake. We will definately do this again. I hear that it is beautiful this time of year because the flowers are blooming. Maybe, we will be going back sooner then later (we did this in July). It was only in the high 60's and we all loved the fresh air. And yes, there was snow!

Tate and the encounter with a spaceship...

Our poor little Tate took a fall in the shower and had to make a trip to Primary Children's to be put back together again. He was in the shower and I heard a loud crack and then Dylan started screaming. There was a ton of bleeding and by the time I was able to slow the bleeding down, I lifted his lip up and it almost went to his forehead. The frenulum(what holds the upper lip to the gum/bone) was completely gone and there were 2 gapping holes. He must have a high pain tolerance because he did not cry much at all. The bone on the upper gum was also apparent. When the ER Physician saw Tate she said we were so blessed that it did not cut through the outer lip. It was amazing that did not happen. They had to put about 15stitches in his little mouth and they let Mike and I stay in the room during the procedure. Here is the conversation as the sedation was wearing off.
Mommy: "are you ok honey? It's mommy."
Tate: "Mommy I see spaceships."
Mommy: "You see spaceships."
Tate: "um ha. They have lasers and green guys."
Mommy:"What color are the spaceships?"
Tate: "Red and the lasers are red!"
Mommy: "well you need to tell the spaceships to go home now."
Tate: "Ok mommy." .
By this time the Oral Surgeon and the Nurse were trying so hard not to laugh. I also noticed that they were in green scrubs. The problem has been that since the "spaceships," appeared; Tate has been asking to go to the hopital to see the "spaceships" almost every day. Mike told him they have gone back to space and has recommended that we invest in a telescope for Christmas so we can show him where the spaceships belong.