Monday, May 28, 2012

It's Preschool Graduation Time..........

 The little man was not too happy about wearing the cap and gown.
Until he found his friend Joey.
 Tate and Mrs. Hermansen.  He loved her and had a great year at preschool.
Walking up to get his diploma. Mrs. Hermansen gave him a memorable book and a DVD.

Friday, May 18, 2012

A Pirate named Dylan..............

Dylan was invited to a pirate party for a friend and we borrowed this costume from a neighbor. He looked so cute as a pirate! 
The missing teeth is perfect for the costume.

Vehicle Day...................

 It was Vehicle Day at Welby and Dylan wanted me to show my work car and talk about what I did.  It was really fun and the kids enjoyed looking at all my medical supplies in my trunk and listening about what my job entails.  I answered many questions and Mike came down with the camera as a surprise.  I have to say that my favorite class was Mrs. Gotberg's First Grade class.  I was asked many funny medical questions and I heard a lot of medical stories from many students.

Tate and T-ball.............

 Tate loved T-ball this year.  It was his first year playing and he had a blast while we had many laughs.

The ball just went right by him! Love that response.

He insisted on using his own ball when he would hit from the tee.  He has already asked us multiple times if he can play again.

Tate the photographer....................

 Tate took the camera at Dylan's baseball game and told me, "that they are important photos that should be blogged." So I will follow Tate's directions:)
 Dylan is on the Indians team this year.
 Don't know who this is, but I'm sure Tate would love a ride on this bike.
Yes, this would be the field where we spend many of our evenings. Tate is still always making us laugh.

Catch up time again.......

                It literally is "catch" up time.  Here is our little catcher,

                                                                and outfielder.

We have been spending many nights at the baseball park with both of the boys playing one of their favorite sports.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Two boys and a Zoo.......

 A few weeks ago we headed to the Zoo for some fresh air and to see the animals.  We have always loved going to the zoo and after the boys spend over an hour watching the snakes and looking at all the bugs in the reptile area we decided we should just buy season passes.  I am sure we will be returning multiple times this summer now that we have an annual pass. The boys are so excited for the new Polar Bear to be on display.
 Tate and one of his many funny expressions.  The poor little guy had been ill with a stomach flu and was exhausted after the adventure.
 Boys and bugs! They can't ever get enough.
 Dylan wanted me to take a picture of his favorite animal that day which happened to be the sloth.
 So then Tate wanted me to take a picture of his favorite animal that day.  We were shocked that it wasn't the crocodile that we always watch for at least a half hour.

The infamous train ride. My handsome boys!

Easter 2012...........


The Easter Bunny hopped to our home bringing a new DS game for Mr. D and a baseball mitt and ball for Mr. T.  They also had candy hidden in a scavenger hunt and I think we will be donating a ton of candy to our dentist. He accepts the candy in return for coins and Dylan thought that was a great idea.

 All dressed in our Easter best to remember the true meaning of Easter.  It was a nice Sabbath Day.

 Dylan surprised us all with these sweet cards he had made and hidden.  He is always so thoughtful and kind. I hope he never changes these strong characteristics.
                                                      The inside of the cards had this cute message.

South Jordan Easter Egg Hunt with cousins.....

 This year for Easter fun we went with some of our cousins to the Annual Easter Egg Hunt.  It was really fun and not overly crowded.  The kids all got their fair share of candy and they each were so sweet to share with other children; That makes any parent happy.  We went to a park and let the kids play and ride scooters and bikes while the moms completed their Easter shopping checklist.  We then met at a different park and ate pizza and the adult men played football with the Orton boys. It was very entertaining to watch. The kids love being together and it was a fun memorable day.
     The kids conspiring on how they are going to gather all the goods.
 Tate and Ty.  They were so cute.
The silly seven year olds! Aunt Toni even helped South Jordan City with spreading the fun eggs on the playground for these silly characters.