Saturday, November 9, 2013

In search of the perfect pumpkin....

 Tate was in search of the perfect pumpkin this year. Grandpa Rowley had taken the boys to the pumpkin patch and they had purchased 4-5 pumpkins(more than the boys needed.)  I am sure he was manipulated by you know who (the blonde child.) Well, when we went to Wheeler farm they could choose a pumpkin for free with the entry price. Tate was so PARTICULAR! The pumpkin had to be perfectly round, a long stem, and not too heavy. He spent 45 minutes in his search for the perfect pumpkin that looked like Jack Skellington.

 Still searching........
 We may have a winner in the huge pile....
 Nope! We continued to search more.
 Checking out the stem, which is too short on this one. My oh my!!!!!
 We have a winner!!! Hallelujah the perfect pumpkin and a cute smile to boot.
Dylan found his pumpkin rather quickly.
We thought the decorated scarecrows were awesome.

We are so blessed to have happy, handsome, and healthy boys.

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